Reign II

The Flaming Emperor 2 7/8, Because His Heart is Like His Ass, It's Bigger than ½ -  Emperor Royal Bush

Reign XVI

Prince for Life to Reign XVI - JD Aleczander-Stahr

Reign XXV
Hot Sweet Dill Queen of Pucker Power & Pickles - Tonia Lee Anthony​

Reign IX

The Spotted Horse Warrior; Protector of the Cherokee Rose Empress - Greg Brockman ‡
The Eternal Fleur de Lis Prince Imperial - Kelly Tarasawa

Reign XXIV

The Jewelry Maker to Emperor 24 - Evie Blank
Photographer Extraordinaire to Reign 24, Always Keeping Us Looking Our Best and Capturing the Moment. - Brad Cornelius / BJC Photography

society of lifetime titleholders

Reign XXXI
Honorary Iowan for Life & Empress 31.5 of All Iowa - Lottie Dah

Manwhore of All of Iowa - Empress 23, 39, & 40 of Nebraska Monroe

Reign XXIX
Purveyor of Emperor 29’s Fireball - Jeff Wainscott (Suspended)
Queen Sniffles - Natasha Day

Reign X

Diamond & Sapphire Emperor 10 ½ for Life -  James News
The Jewel of the East Empress 10 ½ for Life of the Imperial Court of Iowa - Tamara News

Absolute Princess Baby Ho - Hunter Kading-Jones

​Princess Belle of Beauty & Grace - RyLynn Vitale-Belle (Joshie Tay)

Reign XXII

The noble G-string wearing cowboy.  Is that Marilyn? "His beautiful spirit and big hearted, Imperial Prince for Life to Emperor XXI - Troy James Bergfeld.
Sister to Empress 20 and Regent Empress 22 of All of Iowa, Madam Chair of the Church Basement Ladies and Doyenne of Scholarship Funds for Dancing Boys  - Lipps LaRue

Reign XIV

The Sultry Ladies of Service - The Granduchesses of Iowa
Regent Emperor XIV ½ of All Iowa & I'm Bitter About It - Emperor VII of Winnipeg Jiminy Lickit

Reign XX

Emperor 20 1/4  for Life - Jay Morgan Sterling Emperor of St. Louis
1st Ladies of Disaster Maintenance and Fundraising and Most Importantly Sisters to Empress XX - The Miss Nobodies of Iowa

Reign XIX

The Keeper of the Exotic Pole; The Protectress of Rainbows - Jona Van Blaricum

Reign V
Prince Knight to Empress V - Greg Falkowski


Thor, Protector of the Lone Start of Texas, Knight to the House of Mongo - John Nolan 
Forever a Friend in the Hearts of I.C.I.A. The Ageless Beauty of Nebraska - Empress 29 of Nebraska Holly Day

Reign XXVI
The Keepers of The Emperor's Voice, The Sass, Crass, & Class All in One Group of Warblers & 1 Amazing Woman - The Des Moines Gay Men's Chorus

under the direction of Dr. Rebecca Gruber

The Ruffle Coat Slayer, The Keeper of the Leather Community, Leather Brother to Emperor XXVI - Jeremy Morris

Reign IV

Keeper of the Golden Heart of Iowa - Emperor III Diamond John


The Keeper of the Royal Stepstool for Emperor XXIII - Shawn Creveling
All that Glitters and Sparkles. The Mistress of all things Tacky. Gwad Mother to Reign XXIII - Zoey Diddim

Reign XXI

Phoebe Duvet and Madeline Feinstien

Reign VI

Keeper of the Wolf's Wisdom & Knowledge - Emperor XXI of Denver Michael Graczyk
Keeper of the Angel's Voice - Jason Fienhold-Haasis

Reign XIII

The Pilsner Prince  - Fred Hall

​Protector of All Things "Ab Fab" - Brian "Beasley" Ohrberg
The Leather Protectors of the Imperial Court of Iowa - Corn Hauler Levi & Leather Club of Iowa

Reign III

Uncle Norm Nevers
Auntie Alicia

Reign VII

Duke of Jasper County - Larry Tracey

Reign XII

By Proclamation of Empress I Jose, the Widow Norton - Count of Cape Sound a Horn - Chuck Reichwein

​The Celestial Protector & Eternal Papa to All Things Hoochie - Emperor VIII & XI of Rhode Island Michael Sousa
Imperial Guardian of Celestial Visions, Eternal Protector of Empress XII, the Man in the Moon - David Hart

Reign XXX
Imperial Duke of Deeds, Both Noble and Naughty - Terry Lariet Voltaire

The Guardian of Fairytales and Keeper of Pixie Hollow - The Sun King Emperor 46 of the CGNIE Ashton M. Principle 

Reign XVII

Prince Wild Child of the Midwest for Life - Trixi

​Mother Superior for Life to Empress Brandi Marie Powers - Mariah Powers AKA Emperor John Nolan

Reign VIII

The Pilsner Prince of Iowa - Fred "Uncle Fritz" Hall
The Guardian of the Spirits of Night & Day - Emperor XIV of San Francisco Matthew Brown

Reign XV

The Diamond in The Rough; Imperial Crown Princess for Life for Emperor Sebastian - Destine Cowell
Price Waterhouse for Life - John Schmacker

Reign XI

Guardian & Protector of Empress XI Ericka LaRue for Life - Fred "Papa P" Pinegar
The Nocturnal Imperial Coven of the Snowy Owl - The Denver Cycle Sluts